Friday, July 27, 2012

Mule or Hinny?

by Betsy Hutchins

At first glance a hinny seems to be a mule, but on closer inspection the hinny is more subtly like a horse. The hinny's head and face are often more horselike; the ears are usually shorter and sometimes rounder than a mule's ears.

The hinny usually has a fuller tail and more horselike limbs and feet than the mule, and its body is more like that of a horse. In temperament, the young hinny favors the donkey, tending to be gentler and less nervous than the young mule. Hinnies are more likely to neigh like a horse than to bray. But, as with all equines, their voices are distinctive to the individual animal.

Neither the mule nor the hinny is simply half horse and half donkey, but is an individual animal with completely blended characteristics, plus a few new ones belonging only to itself and not found in either parent.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saddles & Mules


Why can't I use my saddle on my mule?  A lot of times you can. Mules have different backs just like horses do. Mules are half ass horses, without a horse you have no mule. A mules' mother is always a horse that has been bred with a jack ass, and he will breed with anything that is in heat and will allow him to mount her. What we end up with is a lot of different types of backs depending on what the mother is like. The back of the jack ass is usually pretty darn flat, as compared to the horse, that has more "rock" or sway to its' back.

Another feature that is characteristic of a mule and a jack ass, is they are what is called easy-keepers, which means that is doesn't take a whole lot of feed for them to stay fat real easy and if the mule is not ridden a lot, they will stay pretty fat, and we seem to like to see our animals fat. In fact, you can get arrested if they are not kept that way. Our kids can be skinny but our animals have to be fat.

Now if you are lucky enough to have a saddle and it just happens to stay on your mule, ride the heck out of it, and if that means an hour or so in an arena a few times a week, life is good.  However if you get out on the trail quit a bit, and notice the ears of your mule seem to have gotten a little closer than when you started and your reins are suddenly way too long, then quick, find a good place to quietly dismount in a way that your saddle doesn't role under your mule when you try to get off. Your cinch will be loose and your saddle will have slid way forward. Anybody who has ridden much will know what kind of a wreck this can cause.

Don't just run out and buy a britchin' or a crupper to solve the sliding problem, which they will. Let's take a little deeper look at what is going on here so as we can deal with this as it comes up with different animals in different situations.

The first thing that happened was the saddle slid forward. Why did that happen? Well there are a few things going on here. The first thing is that the saddle was probably built for a horse, which means that the bars of the saddle tree were built to accommodate the sway that is in a horses back, instead of  the flatness of the back on a jack ass. Picture the rockers on a rocking chair and you'll see what I mean. You can see this on your mule if you will place your saddle on his back without any padding or cinches, and take look at how it rocks back and forth. Don't put the saddle too far forward onto his shoulder blade or it won't work, and neither will he. The back will settle a little when you ride, so do this before and after you ride, to get the real picture. What happens when you ride is that there is less bearing surface, evenly distributing your weight, over the bar surface as it sets on the back. The tree or saddle will skid along more easily, and move usually forward, but it can go back. The way a saddle with mule bars is different, is the bars are built to have less "rock" in them and are consequently flatter than the bars built for a horse.

A mule can also have a back with withers, like a thoroughbred, or be mutton withered like a burly quarter horse, depending on what the mare was like. What this means to a saddle maker relates to angle that the flatter bars are set to. We can still use thoroughbred or 90 degree, semi-quarter horse at 92 degree, or a full quarter horse at 95 degree, on the mules just like we do on horses. Generally the mules are set to a semi quarter horse angle, with a little more separation between the bars, like 6 ¼ to 6 ½  inches of width, which accommodates the more fleshy or heavier wither area. The big wide flat back mules need a full quarter horse bar angle with 7 inches of width between them. The backs of the mules are just as different as are those of the horses, they are generally flatter like the jack ass who fathered them.

The other thing that needs to be considered is where the cinchas will be located in relation to the size and shape of the belly of the mule. This is called the riggin position of, or, on the saddle. A saddle can have the front cincha way forward in a full position or back to the middle of the seat in a center fire position, or any place in between, we have choices and need to look at what will be best for all intents and purposes. This is where "fat" can get in the way. To understand this a little better, place your saddle on your mule where it is supposed to be, back behind the shoulder blade and not on it, now take a look at where the ring that holds the latigo is located. A full position or Spanish rig is under the horn or a little forward of the horn. This is about as forward as you can get it. Some mules require the cinch here, because the belly fat will push it there anyway. The problem is that you may gall him as he moves and rubs against the cinch and or the buckle. Neoprene can solve the rubbing, but they are slippery and in other positions can move easier than a stranded cinch. If this happens on your mule and the riggin position is more back to the middle of the saddle and consequently the belly, a saddle maker can move the position of the ring to a full position. If you don't the saddle will continue to slide forward to where the cinch wants to come to a rest, in that little hollow spot just back of the leg. This will vary depending on the conformation. The riggin position should be placed directly above this hollow spot to help keep the saddle in place. The saddle may still want to slide forward, up onto the shoulder blade, but this will minimize the movement. This is when you need a crupper or better yet a breeching, because you can hold the cinch as well as the saddle, and breechings add class to the long ears. Any riggin position that places the cinch on the down hill slide of the belly will only cause it to move to where it will stop, gravity, work with it. If you are lucky and have an animal that is more "hound gutted" the cinch will only want to move back towards the tail or stay where you put it and not move. A breast collar is an easy solution.

Over the years I have had an opportunity to spend time with the ranchers of Baja California, where they are just now getting roads and pickup trucks. These hardy mountain folk have used mules and donkeys since Cortez first settled the country, and I  mean literally. This is a steep, rough and sparse desert and their stock will go where the feed is, and rounding them up can get interesting. These are the true Californios who still use the center fire saddle effectively. They place the cinch right in the middle of the belly and crank her down. The cinch is only twelve or maybe fifteen strands, not very wide, and they put them on tight and keep them there. If you were to watch them come off of some of those hillsides, you wouldn't believe they could do it, let alone keep their saddle in place, but sure enough with a center fire saddle and no crupper or breeching, or breast collar, they stay in place. Hard to believe, but true. I think the difference is the fat. Those mules are all muscle and have backbones and withers to help keep the saddles from sliding around. I often use a center fire saddle on our mule and without a breeching the cinch still slides. It's the fat, center fire is the best place for the cinch, because it pulls from both ends of the saddle, which makes the pressure more even on the bars and back, and the cinch pull is around the manure and not the heart and lungs.

Even though the center fire may be theoretically better, it is bound to cause a wreck if it slides. In today's world, your best bet is still the 7/8 double rig, for all intents and purposes and generalities, you can always be safe with a double rig. The back cinch is made to be used, equally as tight or more so than the front cinch. If you don't tighten it, you might as well leave it home. Tighten it up tight, but do it in a round pen at first in case it takes a little getting used to. Let him buck, if he needs to, he'll get the hang of it, without you on his back. Make sure you have a strap between the two cinchas, so they can't move away from each other, forward or back, besides keeping the back cinch out of the flank, it will keep the front one off the leg or shoulder. This should help keep the saddle from moving.

Your best bet is a lot of wet saddle blankets and a little experimentation, padding can often make a bad situation better, get off your animal once in a while and loosen the cinchas and let the back breathe. If the saddle is too tight, it can burn his back even if it does "fit " him well. If you have dry spots, pad around them and see if you can make it better, it's hard to run out and buy a new saddle, because the "trainer" says to. Do what you can and seek the advice of those who have been there, they can help, but in the end it is up to you.

Saddles and mules continue to be a dilemma, but they are generally flatter than horses and saddles with flatter bars are better for their backs, but all are different and need individual attention. Do what you can, but be safe, white spots happen, but aren't the end of the world. If they happen to you and you think your mule is worth less, let me know. I am always in the market for a good mule.

Source: by Garry McClintock, SouthernCaliforniaRidingMagazine

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Horse + Donkey = Mule

by Morris Helmig & Sybil E. Sewell

A mule combines the traits of its horse dam and donkey sire to create a new animal with its own distinctive characteristics. Here are the notable differences between horses, donkeys, and mules.

Head—A donkey's head is larger than that of a horse, as is evidenced by its need for a bridle with a larger browband than is required for a horse or pony of comparable size. Donkey owners like to point out that this characteristic indicates a larger brain capacity, and therefore greater intelligence. The head of a mule or hinny is larger than the head of a horse of comparable size.

Ears—A donkey's ears are longer than those of the horse and have an excellent blood supply, which is a desert adaptation for cooling the body. A mule's ears are inherited from the donkey, but are not quite as long as the donkey's. A hinny's ears are shorter than those of a donkey, but are much wider.

Eyes—A donkey's eyes are larger in proportion to the head than those of a horse. Donkeys and mules have heavier eye sockets set farther out on the side of the head, resulting in a wider field of vision than the horse has. The horse's eye sockets are round, the donkey's are D-shaped. The mule's eye sockets are somewhat D-shaped, as seen in male (horse) mules with heavy brow ridges.

Tail—The donkey has a cow-like tail covered by short coarse body hair, except for a tuft at the end. The horse's thick, long tail is inherited by the mule, but the mule's tail hair is coarse like a donkey's rather than fine like a horse's, and the top is not as full as a horse's tail. The hinny's tail is more like that of a donkey.

Chestnuts (Ergots)—The donkey has chestnuts on the front legs, but only rarely on the hind legs, where you would find them on a horse. Like the donkey, a mule or hinny rarely has chestnuts on the hind legs.

Hoof—A donkey's hooves are more elastic, tougher, smaller, rounder, and upright compared to those of a horse. Mules and hinnies inherit the donkey's hoof characteristics, but to a lesser degree—not quite as upright, small, or tough. Like the donkey, the mule needn't be shod unless the animal is regularly worked in rocky terrain.

Skeleton—The donkey's spinal column lacks the fifth lumbar vertebrae (loin area) normally found in the horse. The donkey's pelvis is higher, steeper, and less broad than a horse's, due to the longer length and steeper angle of the upper hip bones. The donkey's croup is therefore less round or broad than a horse's croup. Most (but not all) mules have the horse's fifth lumbar vertebrae and the donkey's short croup, and may or may not have the horse's muscling. Overall size is governed by the dam, although offspring may grow taller than either parent.

Coat—The donkey's coat is longer and coarser than that of a horse. The donkey lacks the horse's protective undercoat and is therefore more susceptible to climatic conditions such as rain, wet snow, and wind, but the donkey is insulated from heat and cold by air pockets between its longer hairs. The mule's or hinny's coat is fine in summer, like a horse's, but coarse in winter, like a donkey's. Coat color tends to be like the dam's.

Voice—Each mule or hinny makes a distinctive sound that might be described as a cross between the donkey's bray and the horse's whinny.

Reproduction—The donkey is more prepotent [high in its ability to transmit certain characteristics to its offspring] but less fertile than the horse. It has 50% to 60% conception rate, compared to the horse's average of 60% to 65%. The conception rate for mares carrying mule foals is about same as for horse foals, but for jennets carrying hinny foals the rate drops to about 25%.

Compared to a gestation period of 11 months for the horse, the donkey's gestation period averages 12 months, but may vary between 11 and 14 months. The gestation period for a hybrid foal is usually intermediate between the parent species. Production of twins, although rare, is more frequent among donkeys than among horses.

The mule is a sterile hybrid, yet occasionally a mare mule will be fertile. The difference between the numbers of chromosomes in the cells of the donkey (62 chromosomes; 31 pairs) and the horse (64 chromosomes; 32 pairs) results in a mule or hinny with 63 chromosomes. This odd number is responsible for mule's sterility—the donkey and horse chromosomes are unable to form matched pairs during the early stages of conception, resulting in the death of the reproductive cells.

Intelligence—The donkey is more intelligent than the horse, but its instincts give it a different behavior pattern that is often mistaken for stubbornness. A frightened donkey won't, for example, bolt in panic like a horse will. The donkey is instead more likely to stop and carefully study the situation before determining the best course of action. Like the donkey, the mule or hinny is highly intelligent and has a well-developed instinct for self-preservation.

Longevity—A lifespan of 30 to 50 years is common for a donkey. Horses average 25 to 30 years. Thanks to hybrid vigor, mules and hinnies may live 30 to 40 years (and sometimes up to 50), with a comparably longer working life than that of a horse.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Riso, Latte e Castagne Gelato al riso, salsa alle castagne, Parmigiano Reggiano, riso soffiato, Prosciutto di Parma e Olio di Nocciola Piemonte Pariani


Una ricetta dedicata ai bambini

Questa ricetta prende spunto da una preparazione di cucina classica, come la zuppa di riso, latte e castagne.

Il riso viene cotto con il latte, frullato ed utilizzato per preparare un gelato. Le castagne invece vengono bollite con il latte, passate ed utilizzate per la preparazione della salsa, che viene arricchita con parmigiano grattugiato.

Alla preparazione viene aggiunto riso soffiato al cioccolato per donare croccantezza e prosciutto di parma che con la sua sapidita’ andra’ ad armonizzare la preparazione.

La zuppa di riso, latte e castagne, e’ un ricordo d’infanzia per molte persone, e con questa preparazione abbiamo cercato di attualizzare una ricetta che si sta un po’ perdendo come tutte le preparazioni classiche. La ricetta e’ stata creata con un occhio di riguardo anche per i bambini, abbiamo infatti cercato di ricreare l’atmosfera della colazione, con i cereali soffiati e la salsa al latte e castagne. Questa ricetta puo’ essere anche preparata con latte di asina, che per le sue caratteristiche e’ assimilabile anche da quei bambini intolleranti al lattosio.

L’utilizzo della salsa intiepidita, fara’ si che il gelato si ammorbidisca notevolmente e prenda quella consistenza che era forse alla base delle ricette di corte preparate da Buontalenti e Bartolomeo Scappi.


Ingredienti per la preparazione della base di riso per il gelato:

200 gr. riso vialone nano veronese

1 lt. Latte


Procedimento per la preparazione della base di riso per il gelato:

bollire il latte con il riso e cuocere per circa 40 minuti. Frullare e conservare per la preparazione del gelato


Ingredienti per la preparazione del gelato al riso:

300 gr. saccarosio

50 gr. destrosio

10 gr. carruba

500 gr. base di riso

1 lt. Latte


1 lt. Latte di asina

10 gr. olio di nocciola Piemonte Pariani


Procedimento per la preparazione del gelato al riso:

portare il latte a 40°C quindi unire le polveri e pastorizzare. Riposare 12 ore quindi mantecare e colare negli stampi voluti.

Nel caso in cui si utilizzasse il latte di asina, aggiungere l’olio di nocciola durante la mantecazione del gelato.


Ingredienti per la preparazione del riso soffiato al cioccolato:

100 gr. cacao in polvere

200 gr. riso vialone nano veronese

1 lt . acqua

5 gr. sale

5 gr. zucchero


Procedimento per la preparazione del riso soffiato al cioccolato:

cuocere il riso con tutti gli ingredienti per 30 minuti, scolare, quindi seccare a 50°C per 15 minuti. Friggere in olio caldo e conservare per la preparazione del piatto.


Ingredienti per la salsa al latte e castagne:

500 gr. castagne secche

1 lt. Latte

Parmigiano Reggiano

Prosciutto di Parma


Procedimento per la salsa al latte e castagne:

ammollare le castagne in acqua fredda per una notte.

In una pentola soffriggere il prosciutto di parma, quindi aggiungere le castagne ed il latte e portare a cottura. Passare ed insaporire con il Parmigiano Reggiano.

Raffreddare e conservare per la preparazione del piatto.


Ingredienti per la preparazione del piatto:

gelato al riso

riso soffiato al cioccolato

salsa al latte, castagne e parmigiano

Prosciutto di Parma


Procedimento per la preparazione del piatto:

impiattare il gelato al riso in un piatto fondo, aggiungere il riso soffiato, ed il Prosciutto di Parma.

Servire la salsa al latte, castagne e parmigiano, portata alla temperatura di ca 20°C.



Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mule Psychology 101:"Rating The Mule's Learning Ability"


by Cindy K. (McKinnon) Roberts

Like children, the mule's learning capacity differs between each mule. Some are more intelligent than others and yet, their physical abilities vary too.  The mule's learning capacity is dependent upon four factors:  intelligence, athletic ability, age and the training techniques being used.  

Intelligence of the mule, would be measured by the ability of the mule to learn the responses expected from him.  If you are able to determine the intelligence of a specific mule, than this would be to your advantage at the time of purchase.  I must make a point about this.  Some people inaccurately judge a mule to being not so intelligent when in fact, he is.  That is why it is important to understand how the mule's mind works.  Yet, others tend to overrate the mule.  Inaccurate judgement of the mule's intelligence will for sure interfere in training.  Because, after all, the communication process is not there.  

How does one determine the intelligence of a mule?  Are there "tests" to be given?  Yes, there are tests.  Interesting enough, colleges and universities repeatedly do tests with animals to determine their intelligence.  One test is to score your mule's ability to  "read".  Reading in the sense of recognizing  symbols.  Simply use a 6x8 inch card  using a magic marker, draw a cross on it.  Using another 6x8 card, draw a circle on it.  Place the card with the cross on it, in front of the a bucket having grain in it.  The second bucket should be placed about 10 feet away from the first bucket, using the card with the circle on it, placed in front if it.  This bucket also has grain in it, but with a screen rigged on top of it so that none can be eaten.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mules or Horses - Which are Smarter?


A mule is superior to the horse both physically and mentally but the mule's stubbornness is misunderstood. The mule is an exceptional animal.

The mule's popularity is significantly below that of the horse. Even though, in recent years, fans of this hybrid have grown, the mule has a very long way to go before it becomes equally accepted. However, examined side by side, the mule's physical attributes outshine that of the horse. Also, in terms of intelligence, the mule is many levels above the horse.

What is a Mule?

A mule is a hybrid. The production of hybrids is very common in the agricultural field. It takes place with both plants and animals. In the case of the mule, it is the offspring of a donkey stallion and a horse mare. It is also possible to cross a stallion horse and a jenny (female donkey) which is then known as a hinny. This latter combination is less frequent because the offspring produced could be too big and difficult for the jenny to foal.

Mules do not Reproduce

Horses have 64 chromosomes, donkeys have 62 and the hybrid offspring, the mule, has an uneven 63 chromosomes. The uneven number in the mule usually prevents the chromosomes from pairing up and creating a successful embryo.

All male mules are infertile and are normally gelded to ensure their sociability. Most female mules are also infertile but there have been some rare exceptions where a female mule had offspring. The occurrence is about one in a million.

Mule is an Example of Hybrid Vigor

When a donkey and a horse are mated, the outcome is a genetically superior offspring. This occurrence is referred to as hybrid vigor. Mules become the benefactors of the best traits of the parents. From the donkey, the mule inherits intelligence, strength, surefootedness, endurance and perseverance. From the horse, the mule inherits athletic ability, speed and beauty.

Mule's Physical Characteristics Compared to the Horse

The muscular and skeletal structure of the mule differs from that of a horse. The mule has long smooth muscle while the horse has differentiated muscle masses. The smooth muscle is built for endurance while the muscle masses are built for bursts of strength. In human terms it is like comparing a ballerina to a wrestler.

A horse has two basic ligaments which keep the hip socket together. The accessory ligament at the hip socket prevents the bone from moving sideways. Most mules don't have this accessory ligament which allows for a greater range of motion. It is likely that, because of this greater flexibility, a mule's kick so easily finds its target.

The mule's muscle structure and narrower build contributes to its surefootedness and a smoother gait. As a result of the smoother gait, a mule is more comfortable to ride and even people who have back problems are able to ride in reasonable comfort.

The mule is stronger than the horse and can carry more weight than a horse of equal size. Pound for pound, a mule can outwork a horse. Although it does not have the speed of the horse, the mule will far outlast the horse in stamina and endurance. This is only partly due to its physical characteristics. The other part has to do with its intelligence.

The mule is a tremendous high-jumper. Unlike a horse that jumps from a galloping approach, the mule jumps from a standing start. It can jump its height from a standstill -- without a rider.

Mule's Health Status Compared to the Horse

A mule eats approximately 25-30% less than a comparably sized horse. It also has fewer feeding problems. A mule rarely overeats and is less likely to colic or founder. It also requires less water and tolerates heat better. This may be due to the origins of the donkey from Africa and Asia.

A mule is more resistant to disease and has a longer life span than a horse. It continues to work into its 30s and has a lifespan into the 40s and even 50s.

Most horses have a flight response when encountering unknown situations while donkeys have the freeze reflex. The mule can also have the flight reflex given that it is part horse. However, because it is also part donkey, if properly trained, that flight reflex can be significantly modified to a 'stop and wait' response, thereby, reducing possible accidents and injury.

Mule Intelligence Study

Mules have been perceived as more intelligent than horses and a recent study done among 6 horses, 6 donkeys and 6 mules confirms this position. The test consisted of sets of 2 food buckets marked with different symbols. The mules differentiated between more pairs of symbols more consistently than did the horses or donkeys. Food rewards were provided for correct choices.

This greater intelligence is attributed to hybrid vigor as are some of the superior physical characteristics of the mule.

Mule's Outstanding Quality

A mule will not place itself in danger. It has a very strong self-preservation instinct. This instinct gives it a different behavioral pattern. It is not stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. The mule is very smart and calculating and thinks before it acts. It is an independent thinker and assesses situations. This trait has to be respected in order to successfully train a mule. You cannot make a mule do what it doesn't want to do.

A large element of a mule's training involves persuading the mule to forego some of its own decision making and to trust its owner. This is possible because mules are also very social animals and have a need to bond with their owner. A lasting friendship must be established with a mule. This requires patience, kindness and understanding. In turn, such an approach will eventually build trust and finally obedience -- resulting in a well-trained mule.

As a mount, a well-trained mule is superior to an equally trained horse because the mule's instinct for self-preservation also creates a safety net for the rider. Well-trained mules are highly valued by their owners and often envied by others.

Training a Mule

Training a mule has to be a labor of love.

A good horse trainer is not automatically a good mule trainer. Different skills are required to train mules. A mule trainer has to understand mule motivation and behavior. It is best for a mule owner to acquire training skills.

There are times, when horses are sent to a trainer for extra schooling. However, according to Meredith Hodges, who has 35 years of experience with mules, this should be avoided with mules, where possible. Mules tend to bond with the person who trains them. She equates sending them elsewhere to asking 'someone else to go out and make a friend for you'. It is important for the owner to grow the relationship with his/her mule and to use every opportunity to interact with it.

With patience and proper instruction an owner can develop his/her mule into an outstanding riding companion and loyal friend.

Source: Vi Brown,

Friday, July 20, 2012

To Make a Mule

by Marlene Malcher

If you are interested in breeding your mare to a jack in the hopes of getting a baby mule, let me give you some helpful information and some experiences I have had. Although I don't claim to be an expert, I have learned some things the hard way, so why not pass on the knowledge?

Most mares will not willingly be bred by a jack, which seems to come as a surprise to most people. Stop and think about it. Unless the mare lives with donkeys as pasture mates, the donkey, especially if it is an aggressive or noisy jack, will likely scare the daylights out of her. This obstacle alone is often the most difficult one to overcome in the quest for making a mule. If your mare has never been around a jack, she may need to spend time at the breeding farm beforehand, where she can see, smell, and hear the jack without jumping out of her skin. Some jacks are quiet and gentlemanly, while others are aggressive and boisterous, and if allowed to will terrorize the mare.

When a mare is afraid of the jack she will not "show" to the jack as she would to a stallion, thus making the detection of her heat cycle awkward unless a teaser stallion is available. Even then a mare in full heat may not willingly show to the jack. The mare thus must at least not be afraid of the jack, although she may let him mount her only begrudgingly. Believe me, no one finds it pleasant to try to get a mare bred when her wishes do not correspond with the jack's.

Most breeders who stand a jack to outside mares will only hand breed, which is the safest and best way to know if the mare has been covered. Pasture breeding may work but involves many risks. The jack may savage the mare. If she has a foal at her side, the jack may kill the foal.

The jack may also be hurt by the mare, and most breeders cannot risk having their jacks injured. Beware of the backyard breeder who will turn your mare out with his jack for a nominal fee and assume his jack will breed your mare. Some folks don't realize that unless a jack has been raised with horses, rather than donkeys, he will not breed mares. He must have been raised to think he's a horse, otherwise he will not cross the equine line and will be interested only in jennets.

Aside from being aware of how much work is involved in breeding for a mule, also take a look at the age of the mare you are considering turning into a mule mamma. She should be at least three years old. Even though some two-year-olds will catch, it isn't fair to them as they haven't finished growing up yet themselves. The few times we have tried breeding fillies and they foaled, they were barren the following year, telling us their bodies needed time off to grow up. The other extreme is the aged mare that's never had a foal. Her chances of carrying are not good, but not impossible.

Regardless of the mare's age, have her palpated by an equine vet. You might also get a biopsy of her uterus to find out what her chances are of conceiving. You will save a lot of time and expense if the mare has a low chance of carrying a foal.

To acquire a good mule, you must start with a good-minded mare. If your mare is easy going, friendly, willing, and eager to learn then so will be your baby mule. Yes, a good-minded jack is important, but not nearly as critical as the mare. The baby will spend all its time with its mamma and will pick up her vices and characteristics, both good and bad.

Consider also the mare's conformation. Minor flaws may often be strengthened by the jack's influence, but an unsound mare can pass along her hereditary weaknesses. Both parents should have good conformation to guarantee a good looking and useful mule.

The mare you present to the breeder must be well broke to handle. She must be halter broke and able to stand tied without pulling back. If she may possibility kick, she must be able to accept having breeding hobbles put on her back legs. If she is shod, pull her back shoes. The mare must have adequate handling and training to make her safe for the breeder and his jack, thus ensuring a better chance of delivering that baby mule you have your heart set on.

As with any baby animal, but especially with a mule foal, establishing a human relationship from day one is important. Foals that are imprinted and handled with kindness from birth learn to adore people and are so much easier to work with as they get older and bigger. Mules that do not trust people, whether from being mishandled or mistreated, are next to impossible to change. Their naturally self-preserving nature and dislike of being hurt make them a challenging animal to reclaim and some can never be turned around.

Although handling your mule baby a lot is important, the foal also must be taught to respect you. Do not equate love for your animal with spoiling it so it becomes unsafe to handle. Baby mules do not need harsh discipline. A firm voice is all that is usually needed to correct improper behavior. They are intelligent and easy to work with, and respond wonderfully to human handling.

We get so much joy out of handling our baby mules that I find it incomprehensible that some people never touch their foals, believing it is better for the foals. We believe this early time with humans is the most critical and opportune in the making of a good mule. The trust a foal learns at this time in its early life will make it easier to teach and more reliable as a mature animal. The bond with a mule that has been handled since birth is so much greater than with one that has been raised without human intervention and lacks the same level of trust.

Awaiting the safe delivery of mule babies is always an anxious time for me, but it is also a time of fun and eager anticipation. Nothing is so entertaining and delightful as a baby mule. If you do your homework and select a good mare, you will be rewarded with one of the best experiences of your life.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why can't mules breed?

Why can't mules breed? I understand that a horse and a donkey make a mule but why can't 2 mules have a baby mule?

-A middle school student from Michigan

June 20, 2007

You're right, a horse and a donkey can have kids. A male horse and a female donkey have a hinny. A female horse and a male donkey have a mule.

But hinnies and mules can't have babies of their own. They are sterile because they can't make sperm or eggs.

They have trouble making sperm or eggs because their chromosomes don't match up well. And, to a lesser extent, because of their chromosome number.

A mule gets 32 horse chromosomes from mom and 31 donkey chromosomes from dad for a total of 63 chromosomes. (A horse has 64 chromosomes and a donkey has 62).

To understand why this is a problem, we need to understand how sperm and eggs are made. And to understand that, we need to go into a bit more detail about chromosomes.

Remember, we have two copies of each of our chromosomes -- one from mom and one from dad. This means we have two copies of chromosome 1, two copies of chromosome 2, etc. However, this isn't entirely true for the mules.

The mule has a set of horse chromosomes from its mom. And a set of donkey ones from its dad.

These chromosomes aren't really matched sets like in a horse, a donkey, or a person. In these cases, a chromosome 1 is very similar to another chromosome 1. It looks pretty much the same and has nearly the same set of A's, G's, T's and C's. For example, two human chromosome 1's differ only every 1000 letters or so.

But a donkey chromosome doesn't necessarily look like a horse one. And the poor mule even has an unmatched horse chromosome just sitting there.

To make a sperm or an egg, cells need to do something called meiosis. The idea behind meiosis is to get one copy of each chromosome into the sperm or egg.

For example, let's focus on chromosome 1. Like I said, we have one from mom and one from dad. At the end of meiosis, the sperm or egg has either mom's or dad's chromosome 1. Not both.

This process requires two things. First, the chromosomes have to look pretty similar, meaning they are about the same size and have the same information. This will have to do with how well they match up during meiosis.

And second, at a later critical stage, there has to be four of each kind of chromosome. Neither of these can happen completely with a mule.

Let's take a closer look at meiosis to see why this is. The first step in meiosis is that all of the chromosomes make copies of themselves. No problem here...a mule cell can pull this off just fine.

So now we have a cell with 63 doubled chromosomes. It is the next step that causes the real problem.

In the next step, all the same chromosomes need to match up in a very particular way. So, the four chromosome 1's all need to line up together. But this can't happen in a mule very well.

Like I said, a donkey and a horse chromosome aren't necessarily similar enough to match up. Add to this the unmatched chromosome and you have a real problem. The chromosomes can't find their partners and this causes the sperm and eggs not to get made.

So this is a big reason for a mule being sterile. But how is the silly thing alive at all?

Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, having an odd number of chromosomes doesn't matter for every day life. A mule's cells can divide and make new cells just fine. Which is important considering a mule went from 1 cell to trillions of them!

Chromosomes sort differently in regular cells than they do in sperm and eggs. Regular cells (called somatic cells) use a process called mitosis.

Mitosis is like the first step of meiosis. The chromosomes all make copies of themselves. But instead of matching up, they just sort into two new cells. So for the mule, each cell ends up with 63 chromosomes. No matching needs to happen. And our lone horse chromosome is fine.

The other reason a mule is alive is that nothing on the extra or missing chromosome causes it any harm. This seems obvious at first except that usually having extra DNA causes severe problems. In people, extra chromosomes usually result in miscarriages. Sometimes though, a child can survive with an extra chromosome.

For example, people with an extra chromosome 21 have Down syndrome. Having all of the extra genes on that extra copy of chromosome 21 cause the symptoms associated with Down syndrome.

So having extra chromosomes often leads to real problems. But the mule is by and large OK.

The extra genes must not be that big a deal for the mule. In other words, the extra genes on the horse chromosome do not cause problems for the every day life of a mule.

So mules are sterile because horse and donkey chromosomes are just too different. But they are alive because horse and donkey chromosomes are similar enough to mate.

Source: Monica Rodriguez,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Poitevin Mules by Crossing a Poitou Donkey with a Mulassiere


Large French mules were strong and hardy, but they are now very rare.

Mules are produced by mating a male donkey with a female horse. The offspring acquires a combination of characteristics from both parents – they are neither horses nor donkeys.


Baudet de Poitou, or Mammoth Poitou Donkey

The Baudet was developed around Poitiers in France specifically to produce large mules, that were exceptionally good working animals. Mules are stronger than horses of an equivalent size, so big mules are very tough animals:

  • Characteristic features of the Baudet, in addition to its enormous size include very big ears and a long shaggy coat.
  • Extremely matted and tangled coats are favoured, and animals with good 'cadanettes' are the most valuable.

  • Although Baudets were once common in the region, they are now becoming rare, and breeders usually prefer to use them to produce more donkeys, rather than to cross them with horse mares and 'waste' a year.
Mulassiere Mares


The same region in France (Poitou-Charente) also has a very large breed of working horse, the 'Mulassiere'.

These have become rare now, and as with the Poitou donkey breeders tend to concentrate on keeping the breed alive rather than producing sterile mules.

Poitevin Mules

Mules are very strong and were used for heavy farm work. They can appear stubborn at times, but that is probably because they are more intelligent than horses or donkeys.

A horse can be made to work until it is harmed, but a mule refuses to put itself in danger. If urged to do something that it considers foolhardy a mule will simply dig its heels in and refuse (very sensible!).

The Poitevin Mule was an animal designed to benefit from these mule characteristics, while breeding the largest animal possible.

Rare Farm Breeds

Many local breeds of farm animals are either very rare or extinct (see ' Mangalitza Wooly Pig ' as a good example ).

Intensive farming relies on a small number of 'modern' breeds for meat production, and working farm animals have now been replaced by tractors. There is simply no longer much need for large, strong, animals.

The only hope for the survival of these rare breeds lies in the hands of enthusiasts – people who accept the challenge of keeping them and their characteristics alive.

It is not surprising that enthusiasts who are dedicated to preserving the Poitou Donkey (or the Mulassiere Horse) should be more concerned about establishing a good stock of these animals, rather than crossing them to produce mules.

The Poitevin Mule is now an extremely rare animal, but as long as the Poitou Donkey and the Mulassiere Horse survive there is hope for them. It would be possible to produce them again in the future.

Source: John Blatchford.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012



Mares in heat, are no doubt the most difficult to train.  It never fails.  You have every intention to warm up for that upcoming show, and then wham!  Mother Nature will interfere with your plans.  Cycling mares are nervous, have a shorter attention span and will not perform the already learned lessons, satisfactory.

You simply cannot fight Mother Nature.  But, all is not lost.  It seems that cycling mares have more energy, and I like to take advantage of this.  Additional longe line work will enable you to school your mare and perhaps even get on with the so called lesson.  And, if you are doing high performance schooling, such as hunter/jumper work, you may find that your mare is able to perform more boldly and a little longer than usual.  However, if progress is not being made, do not get discouraged, simply take a break for a couple of days.  After all, the poor dear is merely responding to her hormones. 

Modern veterinary technology, now offers spaying your mule as a solution.  I have read and heard many positive things about this procedure.  If you are a serious show person, this would no doubt, be an option for you. This issue needs to be taken seriously though, since mules respond differently to anesthesia and other medications, as compared to the horse.  And, keep in mind, this procedure doesn't work on all mare mules.  Sometimes, the brain will send a message through the mare's body, that it is time to cycle.  In other words, she is psychologically in heat. 

That is what caused your problems in the beginning, right?  It is worth researching, so by all means, talk with your vet. 


Monday, July 16, 2012

Donkeys (Equus asinus)

History of the Domestication of Donkeys

The modern domestic donkey (Equus asinus) was bred from the wild African ass (E. africanus) in northeastern Africa during the predynastic period of Egypt, about 6,000 years ago. Two wild ass subspecies are thought to have had a role in the development of the modern donkey: the Nubian ass (Equus africanus africanus) and the Somali ass (E. africanus somaliensis), although recent mtDNA analysis suggests that only the Nubian ass contributed genetically to the domestic donkey. Both of these asses are still alive today, but both are listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List.

The donkey's relationship with the Egyptian civilization is well-documented. For example, murals in the tomb of the New Kingdom pharaoh Tutankhamun illustrate nobles participating in a wild ass hunt. However, the real importance of the donkey relates to its use as a pack animal. Donkeys are desert-adapted and can carry heavy loads through arid lands allowing pastoralists to move their households with their herds. In addition, donkeys proved ideal for the transport of food and trade goods throughout Africa and Asia.

Domestic Donkeys and Archaeology

Archaeological evidence used to identify domesticated donkeys includes changes in body morphology. Domestic donkeys are smaller than wild ones, and in particular they have smaller and less robust metacarpals (foot bones). In addition, donkey burials have been noted at some sites; such burials likely reflect the value of trusted domestic animals. Pathological evidence of damage to spinal columns resulting from donkey's use (maybe overuse) as pack animals is also seen on domestic donkeys, a situation not thought likely on their wild progenitors.

The earliest domesticated donkey bones identified archaeologically date to 4600-4000 BC, at the site of El-Omari, a predynastic Maadi site in Upper Egypt near Cairo. Articulated donkey skeletons have been found buried in special tombs within the cemeteries of several predynastic sites, including Abydos (ca. 3000 BC) and Tarkhan (ca. 2850 BC). Donkey bones also have been discovered at sites in Syria, Iran and Iraq between 2800-2500 BC. The site of Uan Muhuggiag in Libya has domestic donkey bones dated to ~3000 years ago.

Domestic Donkeys at Abydos

A 2008 study (Rossel et al.) examined 10 donkey skeletons buried at the predynastic site of Abydos (about ca 3000 BC). The burials were in three purposefully constructed brick tombs adjacent to the cult enclosure of an early (so far unnamed) Egyptian king. The donkey tombs lacked grave goods and in fact only contained articulated donkey skeletons.

An analysis of the skeletons, and comparison with modern and ancient animals revealed that the donkeys had been used as beasts of burden, evidenced by signs of strain on their vertebral bones. In addition, the body morphology of the donkeys was midway between wild asses and modern donkeys, leading researchers to argue that the domestication process was not complete by the end of the predynastic period, but instead continued as a slow process over periods of several centuries.

Donkey DNA

DNA sequencing of ancient, historic and modern samples of donkeys throughout northeastern Africa was reported (Kimura et al) in 2010, including data from the site of Uan Muhuggiag in Libya. This study suggests that domestic donkeys are derived solely from the Nubian wild ass.

Results of the testing demonstrate that Nubian and Somali wild asses have distinct mitochondrial DNA sequences. Historic domestic donkeys appear to be genetically identical to Nubian wild asses, suggesting that modern Nubian wild asses are actually survivors of previously domesticated animals.

Further, it seems likely that wild asses were domesticated several times, by cattle herders perhaps beginning as long ago as 8900-8400 calibrated years ago cal BP. Interbreeding between wild and domestic asses (called introgression) is likely to have continued throughout the domestication process. However, Bronze Age Egyptian asses (ca 3000 BC at Abydos) were morphologically wild, suggesting either that the process was a long slow one, or that wild asses had characteristics that were favored over domestic ones for some activities.


This article is part of the Guide to the History of Animal Domestication.

Beja-Pereira, Albano, et al. 2004 African origins of the domestic donkey. Science 304:1781.

Kimura B, Marshall FB, Chen S, Rosenbom S, Moehlman PD, Tuross N, Sabin RC, Peters J, Barich B, Yohannes H et al. 2010. Ancient DNA from Nubian and Somali wild ass provides insights into donkey ancestry and domestication. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences:(online pre-publish).

Rossel, Stine, et al. 2008 Domestication of the donkey: Timing, processes, and indicators.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(10):3715-3720.

This glossary entry is part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. Any mistakes are the responsibility of Kris Hirst.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mule Information


Definition of a mule
A mule is a cross between two species of equine: the horse or pony (Equus caballus) and the domestic donkey (Equus asinus). The word 'mule' is used for either the cross of male donkey on female horse or female donkey on male horse, although the latter cross is more correctly known as a 'hinny'.
Despite the fact that both mules and hinnies each have one horse and one donkey parent, the two crosses generally differ from each other in appearance and stature and to some extent in temperament - a fact which has been recognised since they were first bred.

What do mules look like?
The mule proper is said to have the body of a horse with the extremities of a donkey. The most noticeable points are its long ears, short thin mane, which may stand upright like a donkey's or be a little longer and flop over, and a tail which has shortish hairs on the dock a little longer than the donkey's but also has long hairs like the horse's, and is much fuller than the donkey's. The withers are low or non-existent, the back flat with a goose rump, the body flat-sided with weaker quarters than the horse, and also narrower and less deep-shouldered. The legs are, like the donkey's, straight, with small, hard, dense, upright, straight-sided hooves. The head is a little narrower than the donkey's, but otherwise very similar, except for the eyes, which are specifically mule - but difficult to describe.
The hinny generally has the body of a donkey with the extremities of the horse. The ears are shorter than a mule's, the mane and tail longer and thicker, the legs stronger with hooves which are rounder and less upright, the body rounder and deeper, and the head shorter and narrower. The most common coat colour is blue-grey roan. However, it is noticeable that hinnies differ far more from each other than do mules, with every imaginable variation, from being almost indistinguishable from a horse, through being mule-like, to being almost indistinguishable from a donkey.

Advantages of mules
Mules, having hybrid vigour, can grow taller than both parents. Weight for weight they are stronger than horses, and are much longer-lived with much longer working lives, although maturing slightly later. They rarely become ill or lame or suffer wounds, can withstand extremes of temperature, can live on frugal rations, have tremendous stamina and resilience and are exceptionally sure-footed.
Hinnies are said to lack hybrid vigour, and it has always been recognised that they are smaller than mules (although this may partly be due to their being carried in a smaller womb), less strong and with less stamina and hardiness.

Mules' temperament
Mules have a reputation for being obstinate and bad-tempered, but as with donkeys, the mule's legendary stubbornness is in fact a manifestation of its talent for self-preservation. There are times when a human finds this 'talent' annoying, when he is disobeyed by a mule, but there are many other times when it can be a great advantage: if a mule takes care of itself, then it follows that it is also taking great care of its cargo, human or otherwise. It is not for nothing that mules are chosen rather than horses to take tourists down the Grand Canyon! By intelligent handling, it is quite possible to foresee occasions on which a mule is likely to be 'stubborn' and to avoid them.
The undeserved reputation for bad temper is, I believe, due to the mule's unexpectedly sensitive and untrusting nature. Until he has learnt to trust a person, he is worried that the person may do him harm, and will take defensive action (never offensive) by kicking them, should he feel the occasion merits it. And mules are splendid kickers - they kick fast and accurately, and if a mule misses, it is because he intended to. Unfortunately many of the people who have worked with mules over the centuries have not appreciated this sensitivity, and have not understood another characteristic of the mule: that you cannot force him to do anything, but must persuade him, or organise his work so that he is only asked to do those things which he will want to do. Failure to appreciate this has led to many a battle between man and mule, and to the mule's bad reputation.

Mules are highly intelligent - mule devotees would say more intelligent than horses - and are very quick to learn, with a grasp of a situation which often seems little short of miraculous. This means that their handlers need to be quick-witted to stay one jump ahead of them. A well-trained and handled mule is obliging, kind, patient, persevering, calm, tolerant, sensible, loyal, affectionate, playful - and also proud, jealous and calculating. Being so intelligent, a badly trained and handled mule can be a problem.

Hinnies tend to be more donkey-like in temperament, which may be partly due to the fact that they were reared by donkeys, although this is unlikely to be the whole of the story. They are generally quieter, more compliant, less curious, less adventurous and less independent than mules. Being less sensitive and untrusting, they are less likely to kick, preferring to avoid trouble rather than confront it. Despite their reputation for being less useful than mules, there are many examples of their being much appreciated.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Mule Psychology 101: Motivation and Your Mule

By Cindy K. (McKinnon) Roberts

Motivation and learning in the mule is rather interesting.  A good trainer knows how to motivate the equine's mind.  A really good trainer, knows how to motivate the mule.  Motivation, meaning...the desire to learn or improve upon.  There are four motivation factors in the mule.  They are:  1) to please,  2) food,  3) fear,  and 4) curiosity.   

Motivation to please is far more common in mules than in horses. The mule'sdesire and ability to bond with one person, is proof of this.  There has to be a strong attachment between both rider and mule, in order to motivate the mule to please.  A friendship such as this, excels in competition.  I feel....the mule can learn at a faster rate, when a positive relationship has been developed with his trainer.  Somehow, this matters to the mule.  Your positive approach attitude with no apprehension, is the most beneficial to training your mule.  

Motivation by food is where the mule and horse differ again.  Horses can almost always be "tricked" or motivated by food, at any point of their training.  Enticing a horse with grain, to load into a trailer is one example.  The mule however, may be enticed or motivated by food...but not always.   The conditions have to be "right."  For one, the mule cannot be fearful, anxious or suspicious.  Or, even mad.  In my experience, mule's have refused food if they were fearful, anxious, apprehensive or angry.  A horse is more apt to eat under stressful conditions, whereas a mule will not.  Mules of higher intelligence and or, with shorter temperaments, are less likely to be enticed with food.  And really, mules of this type of caliber, do much better without using food as a reward, within their training program.  Mules with slower learning abilities, or mules that possess easy going attitudes, are more easily trained with food used as a reward.  

There is a negative side to using food while training your mule.  It can produce anxiety behavior, simply because the mule is anticipating what comes next.  The mule may perform or rush through a task because he is expecting the reward.  An example that comes to my when I retrained a barn sour mule, using food as a reward.  After riding a certain distance from the barn, I rewarded the mule with handfuls of grain.  I did this for several days.  At first, the mule anxiously "beat feet"  back to the barn until she got the hang of it.  Upon returning to the barn, there was no reward or comfort to speak of.  She watched the sun go down many evenings, while tied to the hitching  post, alone.    There was no reward for returning to the barn.  The reward was found....out on the trail.  This was the perfect cure for this barn sour mule.  In no time at all, she was more than willing to leave the barn.  I continued to reward her with grain, even after riding several miles out.  She became very confident and would ride alone, with no problem at all.  On her "off" days, she would step out and even trot to get to our destination knowing that, she would be rewarded.  I knew if I kept up my "tasty" reward program, than my problem would soon be reversed.  

Young mules however,  do well with food as a reward and I have used it often when asking a correct response to a difficult task.  Be careful not to "over do" your food reward. 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ancient DNA from Nubian and Somali wild ass provides insights into donkey ancestry and domestication


Birgitta Kimura, Fiona B. Marshall, Shanyuan Chen, Sónia Rosenbom, Patricia D. Moehlman, Noreen Tuross, Richard C. Sabin, Joris Peters, Barbara Barich, Hagos Yohannes, Fanuel Kebede, Redae Teclai, Albano Beja-Pereira, Connie J. Mulligan


Genetic data from extant donkeys (Equus asinus) have revealed two distinct mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, suggestive of two separate domestication events in northeast Africa about 5000 years ago. Without distinct phylogeographic structure in domestic donkey haplogroups and with little information on the genetic makeup of the ancestral African wild ass, however, it has been difficult to identify wild ancestors and geographical origins for the domestic mitochondrial clades. Our analysis of ancient archaeological and historic museum samples provides the first genetic information on the historic Nubian wild ass (Equus africanus africanus), Somali wild ass (Equus africanus somaliensis) and ancient donkey. The results demonstrate that the Nubian wild ass was an ancestor of the first donkey haplogroup. In contrast, the Somali wild ass has considerable mitochondrial divergence from the Nubian wild ass and domestic donkeys. These findings resolve the long-standing issue of the role of the Nubian wild ass in the domestication of the donkey, but raise new questions regarding the second ancestor for the donkey. Our results illustrate the complexity of animal domestication, and have conservation implications for critically endangered Nubian and Somali wild ass.

1. Introduction

Domestication of the donkey (Equus asinus) approximately 5000 years ago transformed ancient societies and land-based transport in Africa and Eurasia, allowing the development of mobile pastoralism and ancient overland trade routes and contributing to the growth of the early Egyptian State [1–3]. Today donkeys are essential means of transport for people living in many mountainous, desert and poor regions of the world [4,5].

Little is known, however, about domestication of the donkey. Historically it has been thought that ancient Egyptians domesticated the African wild ass (Equus africanus) although near-eastern domestication has also been suggested [6–8]. Recent research shows the importance of load-bearing donkeys to the earliest pharaohs and emphasizes the slow nature of their morphological, and probably genetic, change during domestication [3]. Research on the genetics of modern donkeys worldwide demonstrated the existence of two distinct mitochondrial haplogroups, termed Clades 1 and 2 [9–11]. Genetic variability in both domestic maternal lineages was greatest in Africa, therefore mitochondrial results did not provide support for the hypothesis of Asian domestication. Specifically, Beja-Pereira et al. [9] argued that Asiatic wild asses were excluded as progenitors of modern donkeys and proposed two separate domestication events that occurred on the African continent [9]. There are at least three possible African candidates for wild ancestors of the donkey, the Atlas, Nubian and Somali wild ass (figure 1), reflecting the fact that distinct geographical patterning does not exist in modern donkey haplogroups.


Figure 1. Map showing the distribution of (a) ancient Atlas wild ass, (b) historic Nubian wild ass and (c) historic Somali wild ass, with drawings or photos of each animal depicted below. The hypothesized extended range of ancient African wild ass across North Africa is indicated in light yellow. The locations of ancient and historic populations are identified within the range of ancient wild ass in blue (Atlas), yellow (Nubian) and pink (Somali). Modern Somali wild ass distribution is shown on the map in red. The locations for all successfully analysed samples are indicated. Image credits: (a) drawn from El Richa image in Muzzolini [47], (b) photo with permission of Powell-Cotton Museum, (c) photo Tom Pilgram.

Based on the available genetic data, it has been hypothesized that Nubian wild asses were the ancestors of donkeys of Clade 1 and that a relative of the Somali wild ass, probably extinct, was the ancestor of Clade 2 [2,9]. Archaeological data, the distribution of African wild ass, and linguistic data suggest that mobile African cattle herders domesticated the donkey in response to increasing aridity in the Sahara and the Horn [2,9,12].

In order to investigate the relationships of African wild ancestors to domestic donkey clades, additional information is needed on variability within and among ancient and modern wild ass populations [11]. African wild asses have been well documented in at least three regions of Africa, but there has been debate over the extent to which populations represent the remnants of once continuous variability versus distinct subspecies [13–15]. Nubian wild asses (Equus africanus africanus) were still fairly common in the Atbara region and the Red Sea Hills (NW Sudan) during the first half of the twentieth century AD and the Somali wild ass (Equus africanus somaliensis) existed in southern Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia (figure 1). The Atlas wild ass (Equus africanus ‘atlanticus’) was once confined to the northwestern part of the continent and probably became extinct in early historic times [13] (figure 1).

There has also been debate over whether the African wild ass once ranged into western Asia. This is complicated by a lack of reliable historic documentation of E. africanus in the region and difficulties in morphological discrimination between E. africanus and E. hemionus. In addition, the recent discovery that early dynastic Egyptian donkeys used for transport at Abydos are morphologically indistinguishable from the African wild ass [3] raises the possibility that faunal specimens attributed to wild ass in Asia could be derived from early domestic donkeys.

Historic populations of wild ass have been distinguished phenotypically by size, and the presence or absence of distinctive leg stripes and shoulder crosses [13] (figure 1). Osteological differences in size and cranial morphology have also been documented [13], but assessment of variability among these wild populations is not straightforward because there are only a few skeletons available in museum collections. Additional samples are virtually impossible to procure because Somali wild asses are critically endangered today, with perhaps as few as 600 individuals left in the wild [15], and Nubian wild asses have only been infrequently sighted since the 1970s and are therefore considered possibly extinct [16].

The small size and remote distribution of remaining populations also explains why little is known about the genetics of contemporary African wild ass. Prior to this study, there were only five published sequences in GenBank, three from Somali wild ass and two from individuals tentatively identified as Nubian wild ass [9]. To better understand variability in E. africanus populations across their former African ranges, additional samples of the remaining Somali wild ass populations as well as ancient DNA (aDNA) data on historic and ancient African wild ass have been obtained. As will be shown, archaeological and museum specimens represent an invaluable genetic repository for African wild ass.

In light of the genetic research that indicates an African origin for both clades of domestic donkey [2,9], the goal of our study was to investigate African settings for domestication of the donkey and to test the current hypotheses that (i) Nubian wild asses were ancestors of Clade 1 domestic donkeys and (ii) a relative of the Somali wild ass was the ancestor of donkeys of Clade 2 [9]. We used aDNA methods to analyse 12 ancient samples from archaeological sites in northeast Africa and Yemen, ranging in age from 3000 years ago to the early Holocene, in addition to nine tissue samples from all known historic Nubian skeletons and two Somali wild ass museum specimens collected between 1880 and 1950 (electronic supplementary material, table S1). We also collected and analysed 33 faecal and skin samples from Somali wild ass populations in Ethiopia and Eritrea. These mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data from modern, historical and ancient specimens were combined with previously published sequences for network and phylogenetic analysis.


2. Material and methods

Holocene archaeological (n = 12) and historic museum (n = 11) samples of Nubian wild ass, Somali wild ass and donkey were obtained for this study (electronic supplementary material, table S1) through the comprehensive evaluation of a significant portion of all specimens in existence including: annual camel-based surveys of critically endangered African wild ass conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), approximately 12 skeletons of African wild ass held in world museums, and a survey of isolated donkey bones from African archaeological sites. Appropriate permits were obtained for all specimens including CITES permits for all wild ass specimens owing to their status as critically endangered (see electronic supplementary material, Background for more historical and taxonomic information on the historic samples).

Faecal samples from Somali wild ass from Ethiopia (n = 6) and Eritrea (n = 27) were collected across the species habitat range after observation of the animal (electronic supplementary material, table S1). Each sample was stored in white paper envelopes, dried for 24 h, and shipped to CIBIO-Universidade do Porto. In addition, dried skin from five skeletons of animals that died during the drought of 2006 in Eritrea was used for DNA extraction.

Samples were analysed using standard precautions for working with ancient DNA. At the University of Florida and Harvard University, analyses were performed in laboratories dedicated to ancient DNA work in which no previous work on equids had been performed. Ground bone samples were extracted with two different methods, one based on DNA binding to silica [17] and one using phenol/chloroform extraction [18]. Only one sample and the accompanying extraction blank were processed at a given time. Samples that yielded DNA were re-extracted with a minimum of one other sample being processed in between the first and second extraction of the positive samples. Museum tissue, dry skin and faecal samples were extracted with the Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit at the University of Florida and CIBIO.

For the archaeological samples, primers were designed to amplify segments of 56–158 base pairs (bps) of the most variable regions of the control region that specifically distinguish between domestic donkey clades (electronic supplementary material, table S2). Museum tissue, dry skin and faecal samples were amplified in three to four overlapping segments ranging from 158 to 308 bps in length. PCR conditions were as follows: 25 µl reaction with 1x manufacturer's PCR buffer, 2.5 mM Mg++, 200 µM each dNTP, 1 µM of each primer, 1.5 µg BSA and 1 unit Amplitaq Gold DNA polymerase or a 25 µl reaction with 1x Bioline Short mix and 1 µM of each primer (see electronic supplementary material, table S2 for annealing temperatures). A minimum of three independent PCR amplifications were performed with each primer pair.

PCR amplification products from the ancient archaeological samples were cloned into a TOPO TA vector (Invitrogen) following the manufacturers' recommendations. Eight to 12 colonies from each amplification product were sequenced and analysed on a Beckman CEQ 8000, following the manufacturers' recommended protocol for sequencing. Amplification products from the tissue, dry skin and faecal samples were sequenced directly using the forward and reverse primers that were used for the PCR amplification. Products from a minimum of three independent PCR reactions were sequenced in both directions for the historic samples. Additional details on extraction, amplification and sequencing are available in electronic supplementary material, material and methods.

Newly reported equid sequences were used to create both a median-joining network and a phylogeny. These sequences were aligned with Clustalw from MEGA 4 software [19] and compared with previously published sequences; E. asinus NC_001788 [20], DQ44 878-DQ449 023 [10] and AY569 462-AY569 547 [9]. Sequences of 440 bps were used in the network and phylogenetic construction. In cases where ancient or historic sequences were shorter than 440 bps, but identical to previously published sequences, those sample labels are listed along with the identical (full length) previously published sequences on the network and phylogeny. NHML 1939 yielded a sequence of only 204 bps and is a new sequence, so this sample does not appear in either the network or phylogeny. Median-joining networks [21] were constructed with NETWORK v. 4.5 ( Reticulations were resolved through a maximum-parsimony criterion [22]. Information on the phylogenetic analysis and estimation of time to most recent common ancestor for each clade can be found in electronic supplementary material, material and methods.

Determination of wild or domestic status of the ancient Uan Mughuggiag magnum, Os Carpale III (specimen Verona 3870, articulated with aDNA no.7), was made on the basis of morphometrical analysis. Size-based identifications of domestic versus wild ass are not reliable for the earliest periods of domestication prior to size decrease [3], but smaller donkeys can readily be distinguished from wild ass in Africa after ca 4000 cal year BP. Greatest breadth and maximum length measurements were made to the nearest millimetre using a measuring board and callipers and following conventions established by von den Driesch [23] (electronic supplementary material, table S3). Uan Muhuggiag measurements were compared with those from seven ancient donkeys, nine modern donkeys and 14 wild ass, including three juveniles. The Uan Muhuggiag mandible (Verona 3988, aDNA no.8) was aged using incisor dental eruption and wear following the sequence documented for donkeys [24].


3. Results

The collection of samples successfully analysed in this study covers the presumed range of Nubian and Somali wild ass over northeastern Africa and includes modern, historic and ancient specimens spanning a time depth of 3000 years. In total, three of the 12 ancient samples, 10 of the 11 historic samples and 33 modern Somali wild ass samples were successfully amplified and sequenced for the mitochondrial control region (electronic supplementary material, tables S1 and S4; all sequences are available through GenBank, HM622626-HM622669). Final analysed sequences ranged in size from 201 to 440 bps and were composed of amplicons ranging in size from 33 to 440 bps, i.e. some specimens required multiple fragments to construct an informative DNA sequence. Four historic samples were independently processed and their sequences confirmed at the CIBIO-Universidade do Porto, and one ancient sample was independently extracted and amplified at Harvard University (electronic supplementary material, table S1).

Of the ancient samples, one had the maternal genetic signature of horse and is not analysed further here. This specimen was represented by a single tooth and had been provisionally identified as donkey. In actuality, the specimen may belong to a mule, i.e. offspring of a female horse and male donkey. Two ancient specimens from the Uan Muhuggiag rock shelter in the central Sahara [25–27], a mandible with one permanent incisor erupted and a trapezoid, were also successfully sequenced. An unciform that was articulated with the trapezoid was directly AMS dated at the University of Oxford to 3160–2975 cal BP (electronic supplementary material, table S5). The Uan Muhuggiag sequences matched an historic Nubian wild ass sequence reported below (NHML1904, electronic supplementary material, table S4) and fell in Clade 1, which supports an ancestral role for Nubian wild ass within Clade 1. Furthermore, the Uan Muhaggiag sequences were identical to each other, suggesting that both specimens came from a single individual or from maternally related animals. Morphometric analysis of the Uan Muhuggiag specimens documented that they were more consistent with those of a small domestic donkey than those expected for either adult or juvenile wild ass, suggesting that the Uan Muhuggiag animal(s) was domestic (electronic supplementary material, figure S1).

Nine of the historic samples were from animals identified as Nubian wild ass on phenotypic and geographical grounds. Eight of those specimens yielded five different sequences that fell within Clade 1 (figure 2 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2). One of the five sequences was new (BSZM 1952). Four samples, two pairs of mother and foetus, had identical sequences that matched a haplotype also found in domestic donkeys. They were collected from two areas in close proximity in the Red Sea Hills. Another match to a domestic donkey haplotype was found in an animal from the Tibesti Mountains of the Sahara (RMCA31155). Significantly, the sequence from one sample from the Atbara region in Sudan (NHML1904) exactly matched a modern sequence from the eastern Sudan that had been tentatively identified as Nubian wild ass (H6; [9]), suggesting that Nubian wild ass maternal lineages survived at least until the last decade in the eastern Sudan. The geographical breadth of the successfully assayed specimens confirms the ancient range of the Nubian wild ass in Sudan and northern Eritrea and the presence of animals of Clade 1 not only east, but also west, of the Nile River as far as the central Sahara. The ninth historic sample (BSZM1963) attributed to Nubian wild ass on phenotypic grounds had a sequence identical to a haplotype found in domestic donkeys of Clade 2 (figure 2 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2).


Figure 2. Reduced median-joining network of 108 mtDNA haplotype sequences from domestic and wild asses. Coloured circles represent sampled haplotypes, while black dots represent hypothesized, unsampled haplotypes. Size of the circle is proportional to haplotype frequency and branch length is proportional to number of mutations.

The 33 modern Somali wild ass specimens fell in the same clade as previous Somali wild ass specimens (WH1-4). This clade is well separated from the domestic donkey Clades 1 and 2 and is clearly not ancestral to either clade (figure 2 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2). Only four new haplotypes were found in the 33 specimens analysed and haplotype diversity of the Somali wild ass clade is only 0.7417 ± 0.0444 (compared with 0.9309 ± 0.0102 and 0.8212 ± 0.0268 for Clades 1 and 2, respectively), suggesting that the genetic variability in present-day Somali wild ass is low. The new haplotypes are found in both Eritrea and Ethiopia, and show no geographical structure. The single historic Somali specimen that was successfully amplified came from Berbera, Somalia. Collected around 1886, it showed a sequence identical to that of one of the new Somali wild ass haplogroups (WH1) from Eritrea and Ethiopia (figure 2 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2 and table S4). This result demonstrates a degree of historical continuity in the mitochondrial variability of Somali wild ass within the region over the last 120 years.

We also calculated the coalescence time of each clade, i.e. the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA), as follows: Clade 1: 406 000 years ago (95% confidence interval 105 400–811 300 years), Clade 2: 334 600 years ago (95% confidence interval 86 100–661 300 years), Somali wild ass clade: 359 500 years ago (95% confidence interval 57 600–770 800 years). Although there may be some uncertainty in the dates owing to time dependency [28], these dates clearly predate the domestication time for donkey of approximately 5000 years ago.


4. Discussion

(a) Ancestors for the donkeys

The diversity and geographical variability in historic and ancient DNA together with information on modern donkey mitochondrial genetic variation provide new insights into relations among ancestral wild ass, relations of wild ass to domestic haplogroups, and the process of donkey domestication. Our results demonstrate that Nubian and Somali wild asses are mitochondrially distinct. Furthermore, we show that the historic Nubian wild asses and domestic donkeys of Clade 1 are almost indistinguishable on the basis of mtDNA; five of our historic Nubian wild ass samples had haplotypes identical to domestic donkeys of Clade 1. It is probable that the identical wild ass sequences represent survival of the originally domesticated maternal haplotypes in the wild population, although we cannot rule out the possibility that they were introduced into wild herds by feral female donkeys. Historic specimens collected by naturalists over the last two centuries verify a northern Sudanese and Eritrean distribution of Nubian wild ass in northeast Africa, but the Uan Muhuggiag and Tibesti data suggest that donkeys of Clade 1 and/or Nubian wild asses were present as far west as the central Sahara in late (pre)historic times.

When our results are combined with 98 previously published haplotypes, the topology of the network (figure 2) provides some interesting perspectives on domestication processes. The Clade 1 topology resembles that found in European and Asian domestic pigs [29] and domestic and wild reindeer [30], with several smaller nodes and wild animals interspersed with domestic. It presents an interesting example of survival of wild populations during the process of domestication giving rise to indistinct differences at the mtDNA level between wild and domestic individuals. This process has been proposed for horse, dog, pig and reindeer [30–33], but we are able to verify this conclusion for donkeys since we have multiple cases of mtDNA sequences shared by wild and domestic specimens. The Clade 1 topology is consistent with a scenario whereby the Nubian wild ass was domesticated in several areas and/or over an extended long period, with multiple recruitments from the wild, similar to the domestication process suggested for dogs and goats [34,35]. The much broader distribution of Nubian wild ass in former times and likely domestication by cattle-herders who ranged widely over the Sahara from as early as 8900–8400 cal BP provide geographical, social and temporal contexts for these processes [36–38]. Moreover, the use of ‘morphologically wild’ donkeys for heavy transport at Abydos in ancient Egypt ca 3000 BC [3] has already illustrated a slow process of donkey domestication with late morphological and genetic change.

Introgression with wild ancestors is especially probable among donkeys because they are not herd animals and are not intensively managed by African pastoralists [2]. Pastoralists who keep donkeys for transport particularly value strength and reproductive potential in their animals and recruit both males and female donkeys to their herds [2]. Furthermore, capture of wild ass through trapping is historically documented and illustrated in African rock art [39–41], but is indiscriminate with respect to sex (for additional information, see electronic supplementary material, Background).

We conclude that donkeys of Clade 1 have a long history in the Sahara, that a Nubian wild ass was their ancestor, and that it is probable there was interbreeding between wild and domestic forms over a long period of time with recruitment of several maternal haplotypes from the wild.

(b) The contribution of the Somali wild ass to the domestic gene pool

Our extended mitochondrial dataset from free-living Somali wild ass shows that Somali wild ass are distinct from Nubian wild ass and domestic donkeys of both Clades 1 and 2 (figure 2 and electronic supplementary material, figure S2). Given the extensive haplotype networks found in Clades 1 and 2, it is surprising to find so few Somali wild ass haplotypes after increasing the sample size by an order of magnitude. The low variation and large sample size of Somali wild ass make it unlikely that additional lineages will be identified and, thus, make Somali wild ass a less probable candidate for the ancestor of Clade 2 than previously thought [9,11]. Furthermore, the equal distance of the three major clades to each other diminishes the possibility that the ancestor of Clade 2 lies in either of the other two clades. The very old coalescence times of the three clades reflect the long period of time before donkey domestication and suggest that substantial genetic structuring, fragmentation and/or geographical isolation of wild ass mitochondrial variation may have developed prior to domestication. As a result we cannot rule out the possibility that wild ass in northeast Africa may have had additional, yet unrecognized, genetic substructure and particularly that Clades 1 and 2 may both have Nubian-like wild ass ancestors (see electronic supplementary material, Background for additional details).

In addition, the observation that wild ass/donkey mitochondrial variation may have undergone significant reductions over time also raises the possibility that the ancestor of Clade 2 belonged to an extinct population. Archaeological data suggest the Holocene ranges of African wild ass were substantially more extensive, the presence of wild ass in the central and eastern Sahara being evidenced by rock engravings [42] and skeletal remains [2,26,43], which is consistent with our genetic results. Thus, there are several possibilities for the geographical origin of the wild ancestor of Clade 2. In addition to northeastern Africa, candidates include the ancient range of the Atlas wild ass in the Maghreb [13] and the coast of Yemen, where specimens identified as early domestic donkeys or wild ass have been excavated ([44]; see also [2]); however, our ancient samples from these regions did not yield genetic material. Additional aDNA research in Africa and Asia as well as Y chromosome or nuclear genetic data on donkeys and extant African wild ass are needed to pinpoint the locus of domestication of Clade 2.

(c) Patterns of domestication and conservation implications

The findings presented in this study clarify the role of the Nubian wild ass in the domestication of the donkey but raise new questions regarding the second ancestor for the donkey. Evidence for domestication of several Nubian haplotypes, multiple recruitments from the wild, and ongoing gene flow in Clade 1, contrasts with a simpler domestication process starting from fewer ancient founders for Clade 2. These distinct patterns fit with recent research on other livestock species showing multiple domestication events with differing histories, social contexts and timelines [9,11,29,30,35,36,45,46]. Our findings also have several implications for conservation. (i) Nubian wild asses are distinct from Somali wild asses based on mtDNA, a result that indicates the need for separate management of Nubian and Somali populations. (ii) The finding that maternal lineages of the Nubian wild ass may have survived in the eastern Sudan until the 1990s implies that Nubian wild asses are not extinct or became extinct very recently, and reinforces the need for surveys and management plans for eastern Sudan and northern Eritrea. (iii) Extant Somali wild ass in Eritrea and Ethiopia shows an absence of geographical structuring of genetic variation as well as low haplotype diversity, which may reflect past bottlenecks in ancestral populations in which short-term crashes wiped out many haplotypes. These results suggest that captive breeding populations of Somali wild ass already sample much of the available mitochondrial diversity. Our findings represent a valuable contribution to debates regarding variability, phylogeny and management of extant but critically endangered African wild ass [13–15]. Our research also underscores the need for further studies of the nuclear and Y chromosomal DNA of extant populations and for more specimens for aDNA analysis.



This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant BCS-0447369 (FM), FCT grants (SFRH/BPD/26802/2006, SFRH/BPD/17822/2004, and PTDC/BIA/BDE/64111/2006 (ABP) and grants from Wildlife Trust, Saint Louis Zoo, Basel Zoo, Liberec Zoo and Sea World and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund (PDM). The authors would like to thank four anonymous reviewers for many useful comments. We thank V. Costa for help during faecal DNA extraction and T. Schilling for assistance with figure 1. We are indebted to F. Alhaique, the late A. Bietti, L. Chaix, L. Khalidi, C. Lewis, R. Meadow, W. van Neer, T. Webber, W. Wendelen and to the institutions and individuals listed in electronic supplementary material, table S1 who generously provided material or assisted in collection of samples for this study.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Donkey


Ass is the correct name for members of Equus asinus, just as horse is the correct name for Equus caballus. However, the ass is more commonly called a donkey in North America. The name donkey comes from the old English word dunkey meaning an animal that is greyish-brown in color. Burro, the Spanish word for ass, usually refers to the feral donkeys that roam wild in various parts of North and South America.

According to Anthony Dent "there is no breed of ass that can be regarded as a specific and original American development. . . " For the most part it would appear that donkeys were brought to South America and Mexico by the Spanish Conquistadores in the 16 th century and have since slowly moved northward. The one exception may be American Mammoth jackstock, which was developed in the 18 th century from large imported European asses of Catalonian, Maltese and Poitou types.

A male donkey is called a jack. A female donkey is a jennet (sometimes written as jenny, but both pronounced the same). Castrated male donkeys are donkey geldings. Young donkeys are called jack foals or jennet foals.
The equine species can interbreed and will produce hybrid offspring that are usually infertile. The most common hybrids are the mule and hinny which are produced by the following combinations:


In Canada donkeys can be registered with The Canadian Donkey and Mule Association, an organization founded in 1976 and incorporated in 1988 under the Animal Pedigree Act (1988).

Because there are no specific North American donkey breeds, the Canadian Donkey and Mule Association recognizes the height classification given to donkeys in the United States. The donkey sizes recognized in Canada for registration purposes are:

    • Miniature: under 36 inches high at the withers when mature
    • Small Standard: from 36.01 to 48 inches
    • Large Standard: over 48 inches and under 54 inches for jennets; over 48 inches and under 56 inches for jacks and geldings
    • Mammoth: 54 inches or over for jennets; 56 inches or over for jacks and geldings.

Conformation of miniature, small and large standard donkeys
Before breeding quality donkeys (jacks and jennets) are accepted into the stud book of the Canadian Donkey and Mule Association, they must be inspected once they reach four years of age.

Regardless of whether a donkey is selected for breeding, show or work purposes, a quality animal should have proper proportions and conformation. For centuries, donkeys were and still are work animals in many parts of the world. The conformation of donkeys therefore must be appropriate to, that of working animals.

Short rather than too long, but in proportion with the rest of the animal. Straight or slightly dished profile. Eyes large, of mild expression, set low, wide apart and clear. Nostrils well shaped and open. Teeth in good condition with no undershot or overshot jaws. Jaws generous, round and open. Head deep through the jaws, tapering to a small muzzle. Ears long, clean cut, set upright, carried firmly and alertly pointed. An appearance of strength and masculinity in jacks and femininity in jennets.

Neck well proportioned to the rest of the animal, joined to head and shoulder correctly and smoothly. Crest of the neck should be fairly straight, not ewe-necked, nor fallen to the side or excessively fat. Neck firm, well fleshed and strong. Mane usually short and upright, but may fall to the side as with the horse mane.

Withers practically nonexistent, but if noticeable so much the better. Shoulder slightly sloping, although more upright than the horse. The ribs should be well sprung and the girth deep. Chest relatively wide, not narrow. Back short and level, or slightly dipped in the case of older animals or in foal jennets. A very long, out of proportion back is undesirable. Loin strong, broad and firmly coupled. Quarters long, wide, and as flat as possible. Should be well fleshed with plenty of length between point of hip and point of buttock. When viewed from the rear the thicker all parts of the quarters and thighs are the better. Top of croup rounded, not extremely sloping. Tail well set, not low, covered with short hair and completed by a tuft of long hair.

Limbs must be straight and true, with adequate bone in proportion to the type of animal. Knees flat and wide, cannon bones short. Hocks set low, strong, clean and correct shape. Characteristics desirable in the limbs of the horse are also desirable in the donkey, except pasterns of the donkey are more upright.

Hooves should be even, of good shape and well trimmed. They should be hard, clean, smooth, elastic and tough. The size must be adequate to the donkey, but true to the typical donkey hoof which is narrow. No tendency to low heels. Front foot oval, hind foot more elongated and frog small but well developed.

To be level and true, willing and active.

General Conformation of Mammoth Jackstock
Kind, gentle and placid.
Mature jacks (four years old or more) must stand 14 hands high or over; jennets must be 13.2 hands high or over. They may be the heavy-boned draft type or the more refined saddle type. In either case they should be large, well balanced animals of good conformation. General conformation is similar to that of the Standard donkey with particular attention given the following:

Well shaped not coarse, carried alert and well balanced. Ears should be long, well set and carried erect. Eyes should be large and open. Profile straight or slightly roman. The jack should have a strong jaw and heavily muscled neck.

Ewe neck is not permissible. Neck should be straight, joined to head and shoulder smoothly, and in good proportion with the rest of the animal.

Shoulders should be well sloped, the chest wide and deep, and the ribs well sprung to give good heart girth. Any animal whose body shrinks in size behind the shoulders (wasp waist) or in front of the hips (herring gutted) should be rejected. The back and loin should be straight and strong. They should be short coupled, smooth over the hips and carry a well muscled croup. This heavy muscling should also be evident through the chest, forearm and gaskin.

Set and quality of the legs is important and should be as nearly correct as possible. Bone and joints should be large, but as clean and flat as possible. A heavy-boned draft type Mammoth may have 10-inch or more front cannon bone measurement, while a lighter boned, more refined saddle type Mammoth may have an 8- to 9-inch measurement.

The feet should be deep, round and large with evidence of good wearing qualities. Long weak pasterns (coon-footed) should be avoided.

While some Mammoth Jackstock are naturally fairly sluggish, action should be straight and level with as much alertness and style as possible. Good action is correlated with quality and proper conformation. Sluggishness and dragging of the feet should be discriminated against.
Proper proportions, conformation, balance, symmetry and refinement are qualities to be looked for in every type and size of donkey.

Common Conformation Defects
Coarseness, roman nose; short rounded ears; lop ears; head ill proportioned to the rest of the animal; parrot mouth (overshot) or monkey mouth (undershot) jaws.

Ewe neck, fallen crest; Too short.

Long weak back, too straight back or roach back; narrow chest and rump; flat ribs, light in the girth, wasp waist; goose rumps or narrow rumps; peaked rump (rafter hips); weak coupling.

Cow hocks, sickle hocks; over or back at the knee; insufficient bone to be in proportion with the animal; toe out or in.

Malformed hooves; cracked or broken hooves; long, weak pasterns (coon footed).

Crooked action, winging or interfering; plaiting or rope walking

Donkeys come in a wide variety of colors; dun-grey is the most common. Grey donkeys often have dorsal and shoulder stripes that are black, brown or dark grey, usually the same color as the mane. These markings are more common in the smaller donkeys and are thought to indicate a common ancestry with Nubian Wild Ass (Africa). True Mammoths rarely have dorsal and shoulder stripes. Zebra stripes or horizontal stripes on the legs may indicate common ancestry with the Somali Wild Ass (Africa).
Black and brown are the next most common colors. The brown color can vary from pale oatmeal to deep chocolate. More rare are the red or blue roan donkeys which have white hairs interspersed with chestnut (red roan) or black hair (blue roan). Equally rare are the broken colored or spotted donkeys that combine white patches with black, brown, roan or grey patches.

Standard donkey markings are generally a white nose, eye rings and a white underbelly. Completely black donkeys, or grey donkeys with unusual black noses are seen occasionally.

Differences Between Donkeys and Horses
Some notable differences between donkeys and horses or ponies are listed below:

Physical Features
Ears: The long ears of the donkey, which are well supplied with blood vessels, are a desert adaptation for cooling the body.

Eyes: The larger eyes of the donkey provide a wider field of vision than those of the horse.

Tail: The unusual tail resembles that of a cow because it is covered with short body hair except for the tuft on the end.

Chestnuts: Ergots or chestnuts are practically nonexistent on the hind legs of donkeys.

Vertebral column: The donkey, like the Arabian horse, lacks the fifth lumbar vertebra in the spinal column normally found in other equine skeletons.

Hoof: Donkeys have hooves that are more upright, smaller, tougher and more elastic than those of horses. Consequently donkey hooves rarely need to be shod.

Coat:: Donkeys have coats that tends to be longer and coarser than that of the horse, although texture can vary among North American donkeys. It is important to note that donkeys do not have the protective undercoat that horses do; therefore, they are more susceptible to climatic conditions such as rain, wet snow and wind. Insulation from heat or cold is largely created by air pockets between the longer hairs.

Voice: The distinctive bray.

Longevity intelligence
Donkeys have a life span of 30 to 50 years, which is greater than that of the horse.

Larger brain capacity is evidenced by the fact that donkeys require bridles with a larger browband than that needed for a comparable size of horse or pony. Donkeys are reported to have developed an intelligence superior to that of the horses, but its instincts give rise of different behavior, in certain circumstances, which many misconstrue as stubbornness. For example, it is not the nature of the donkey to run in panic when frightened as the horse instinctively does. Under the same conditions donkeys are more likely to stop, stand still and study the situation carefully to determine the best course of action.

The donkey is reportedly more prepotent but less fertile than the horse. Whereas the conception rate of the horse is reported at approximately 60 to 65 per cent, the conception rate of the donkey is considered to be lower than that of the horse. Donkeys have an average gestation period of 12 months compared to 11 months in horses. Gestation in the donkey can vary from I 1 to 14 months. Production of twins, though rare, is more frequent among donkeys than horses.

Donkeys browse as well as graze. Donkeys will eat coarse herbage, marsh grass, young thistles and shrubs in his pasture, feeds that most horses will not eat.

As desert animals donkeys do best in a temperate climate, although they will adapt to cold climates if provided with proper shelter and extra feed. They do not mind the cold. Donkeys dislike rain, and are susceptible to pneumonia and bronchitis when chilled. In Canada during late spring, summer and early fall an open front shed will do for shelter if it is well bedded with dry straw. In winter, depending on the region of Canada, donkeys may be shut in a barn, but allowed to run out on good days, or they may be loosed housed in a comfortable shelter facing away from the prevailing wind. Some donkeys like snow, but others suffer from the cold. Guard against chilling by the wind.

Wet snow can melt down into a donkey's coat, soaking the hair and causing the animal to chill. Snow should be scraped off a donkey when it is put inside the barn. During a rain, the horse will have water pouring off its back, but the donkey's coat will become sodden with the rain as it soaks down to the skin. Donkeys therefore needs adequate shelter during the cold rains of spring and fall.

Donkeys can graze coarser pasture than a horse. Lush pasture is not recommended because donkeys have low energy requirements and are prone to obesity and certain metabolic disorders such as laminitis (founder) and hyperlipaemia if allowed free choice high quality pasture.

Allow each donkey from one-half to one acre of pasture per month. This will vary with the quality and amount of growth in the area, and the size of the donkey. Obviously Mammoths will need larger areas than Miniatures or Small Standards. If possible divide pastures and alternate from one pasture to another. When a pasture is at rest the long grass and weeds can be trimmed down well before the animals are to be returned to it. Harrowing the pasture will help to spread the manure and reduce parasite problems.
Donkeys will make a place where they can take dust/sand baths during warm weather.

Pasture fencing can be page wire, plain or barbed wire (beware of cuts from the latter), electric or a combination of both. Donkeys quickly learn to be very respectful of electric fence.

From mid-May to early September, pasture will provide enough to meet the nutrient requirements of donkeys unless drought conditions exist. Make the change from dry food to grass slowly in the spring, to avoid health problems such as grass founder. Allow donkeys on pasture for thirty minutes per day at first then gradually increase the length of time each day, donkeys should be turned out after they have been fed dry feed. After a week, the donkey can stay on pasture all the time.

Feed and Water
Provide fortified trace mineralized salt in block or loose form in the pasture or by the shelter. Check with the district agriculturalist to learn which minerals are deficient in the feeds of the region (e.g. selenium, copper, zinc, etc). These must be added to diets for donkeys, usually in the salt or mineral mix.

Fresh water is essential. Donkeys are very particular about water being fresh and clean. They will drink from I 0 to, 25 litres per day.

High quality hay should be fed in winter or when pastures are depleted in the fall. Legume hay (rich in alfalfa or clover) is not recommended as the only hay for donkeys because of its high protein levels. Timothy, meadow grass, brome grass or mixed legume-grass hays are suitable. Hay composed of 50 per cent timothy and 50 per cent alfalfa is suitable for donkeys that, are growing, pregnant, nursing and during the coldest months of winter.

When available, silage may be fed in small quantities with the balance of the feed to be made up of hay. Beware of mildew (grey dust) or mold on hay - They are poisonous!

Concentrate feeds, such as grain, are seldom needed by donkeys. However, growing youngsters and pregnant or nursing jennets may receive grain rations depending on their body condition. Donkeys need grain if they are use work (driving, packing, predator control in sheep, etc.).
Prepared horse feeds provide supplemental energy, protein, minerals and vitamins required by donkeys. Supplements formulated for cattle, pigs or poultry should not be used, because they may contain additives that are toxic (e.g. Rumensin).

The average Small Standard donkey (approximately 44 inches tall and weighing 400-500 lb) that does little or very light work in winter, requires only two handfuls of whole oats per day and some hay. Watch donkeys closely to determine whether they need more or less feed. Youngsters under the age of two and older donkeys that are more than 20-years-old have been found to do well on rolled oats or a 50 per cent rolled oat and 50 per cent rolled barley mix. Adult donkeys over the age of two years do well on good quality, clean whole oats.

An obese donkey should be fed only hay (2-4 flakes per day). A thick roll of fat along the crest of the neck indicates obesity in donkeys. This roll of fat is extremely hard to reduce once it has formed. Eventually the excess weight of the neck roll will cause it to fall over to one side of the neck, creating an unsightly malformation. Avoid placing the obese donkey on a starvation diet in the hope of rapidly removing excess weight. The loss of more than 2 kg (4.4 lb) per month can precipitate metabolic disorders such as hyperlipaemia according to The Professional Handbook of the Donkey.
Adult donkeys in good condition will eat the same amount of hay, plus the ration of concentrates mentioned above. Naturally the amounts fed will vary with the size and condition of the donkeys. Mammoths or miniatures need correspondingly more or less feed.

A rough guideline is to feed a total weight (hay plus grain ration) of 1 kg of feed per 50 kg of body weight (two pounds of feed per hundred pounds of body weight).

For example:
A 450 lb donkey

  • at rest - approximately 4 kg (9 lb) total feed (hay plus grain) daily.
  • at work-approximately 5kg(11.25 lb) total feed daily

The more hard work required, the greater the amount of grain usually given providing the donkey does not become too energetic and hard to handle. For example:

A 450 lb donkey

  • at rest - 0 to 1 lb grain plus 7-8 lb hay daily.
  • at work - 1 to 2 lb grain plus 9-10 lb hay daily.
A 950 lb Mammoth donkey
  • at rest - 0-2 lb grain plus 15-18 lb hay daily.
  • at work - 4-5 lb grain plus 16-18 lb hay daily.

The donkey is more of a browser in his eating habits. Therefore it is important to supply the donkey with free choice good quality barley or oat straw, along with his ration of hay and grain. Research at The Donkey Sanctuary in England has shown that straw in the ration may help the donkey produce natural biotin to improve skin and hoof condition. However, straw is a low quality feed and must not be used as a substitute for hay in the diets of donkeys.

Any animal that is frequently fed tidbits will spend its life looking for them and will soon learn, just as a horse or pony, to nip the hand with no food in it. Feed any treats in a tub on the ground while petting and talking to the donkey.

Grooming and Health Grooming
Donkeys enjoy being groomed. Brush them with a fairly stiff brush in the direction the hair grows. Be gentle with the ears, do not twist or hold them tightly. In spring, a shedding blade is useful for loosening the thick winter coat. Do not be too hasty to help shed the winter coat. Donkeys take up to two months longer to shed their hair coat than horses and will easily catch a chill if the coat is shed too early in the spring. Use caution when grooming in winter. Grooming destroys the natural air pockets in the coat that provide insulation, so groom only on warm days. Clipping is not recommended unless adequate protection from inclement weather is provided.

In summer, grooming is almost hopeless because donkeys take dust baths. This natural method of bathing is used by animals that do not like water.
Watch for the donkey that rubs its coat, especially at the tail head - it may have lice. If evidence of lice is seen, check with a veterinarian for the best preparation to remove the lice.

Hoof care
Clean out hooves regularly. Remember donkey hooves are very elastic and do not wear down like those of other equines. If left untrimmed they grow to astounding proportions and such neglect can cause an animal to be permanently crippled. Ideally hooves should be trimmed every four to eight weeks depending on age and speed of growth. The hooves of foals generally grow faster than those of adult donkeys. Keep feet short and neat.

Deworm donkeys three to six times per year, using any of the equine paste wormers currently on the market. If the presence of parasites is suspected, a veterinarian should do a fecal test to determine exactly what type of worms are present and how best to treat for them. Rotation of deworming products is recommended. Unless internal parasites are removed by regular deworming, donkeys will suffer internal tissue damage from migrating parasites, which may considerably shorten their life span.

Donkeys should be given an annual injection of a four-way equine vaccine every spring. The injection provides immunity against eastern and western equine encephalitis, equine influenza and tetanus, which are all potentially fatal equine diseases. Check with a veterinarian about starting a vaccination program.

Goals of the Breeder
Breeders must establish what the goals of their breeding program are before purchasing any stock. Breeders can select stock of known ancestry with the assistance of The Canadian Donkey and Mule Association (1988), which operates the only registry for Canadian donkeys and mules, selection from.

Examples of possible goals for the breeder:

  • The production of heavy-boned draft type Mammoth jackstock.
  • The production of red roan Mammoth jackstock to provide red roan jacks for the production of sorrel draft mules from Belgian mares.
  • The production of refined, saddle type Mammoth jackstock for riding, harness work or to yield jacks for saddle mule breeding.
  • The production of spotted Small or Large Standard donkeys for show or fine harness work.
  • The production of sturdy Large Standard donkeys for packing or riding.
  • The production of well conformed Miniature donkeys, or colourful spotted Miniatures.

Keep in mind that every breeder must work towards proper conformation. Do not be tempted to chose breeding stock because it has a unique color or size if defects such as crooked legs, angular rumps, ewe necks or jaw deformities are present!

The Choice of Jack and Jennet
Donkeys can suffer from many conformation defects ( See Conformation Defects). These are largely due to generations of indiscriminate breeding which have promoted and accentuated such conformation defects as crooked legs, narrow chests and jaw defects. The novice breeder should visit as many donkey breeders and donkey shows as possible to study and understand donkeys as work animals before investing in breeding stock.
The purpose of registration is to record individual animals so that their type and ancestry are known. Breeders who keep good records are likely to be helpful in getting the novice breeder established. Such records, as well as the opportunity to view both parents of a sale animal, are a distinct advantage when purchasing stock.

Methods of Breeding
Pasture breeding
The simplest way to bred donkeys is to turn a jack out with a group of jennets and allow them to breed naturally. However, there are some possible disadvantages:

  • a jack that is not in excellent condition may not successfully breed all the jennets.
  • risk of injury to the jack by aggressive jennets, or vice versa.
  • risk of injury to foals in the herd. The jack may try to kill any jack foal born.
  • risk of infection being spread in an uncontrolled situation.
  • difficulty in determining dates of breeding and foaling dates unless the donkeys are closely observed.
Hand breeding
A jennet can be placed in a breeding chute or stall and bred with a jack that is controlled by a handler. Advantages are:
  • minimal risk of injury to jack and jennet. The foal can be placed close by so the jennet is not worried about her offspring.
  • the jack's energy can be conserved and is not wasted chasing jennets.
  • risk of disease is reduced as both jack and jennet can be washed thoroughly before breeding.
  • exact dates for breeding can be recorded and dates for foaling can be predicted.

Disadvantages of this method are the requirement of extra care, handling, and facilities for regular teasing, and breeding of the jennets. Some jacks are slow breeders, so the process can be time consuming.

Artificial insemination
Semen collected from a jack can be used to artificially inseminate one or more jennets. The main advantages of this technique are the lowered risk of infection, and the possibility breeding more jennets. The disadvantages of AI for many small breeders is the costs involved for a trained technician, or the courses and purchase of equipment to establish them in equine AI.
Jacks can be precocious at an early age, and young jennets often show their first heat cycles early in the yearling year. However, it is unwise to breed donkeys that are less than three-years-old because they mature slowly. An immature jennet that becomes pregnant may suffer permanent damage to the skeletal and muscular system and may produce foals with congenital malformations. Physically immature jennets may also lack the maturity to be good mothers.

Signs of Estrus
Jennets do not normally show estrus throughout the winter months, but often start to show signs of estrus in March, and then continue to cycle normally every 21 to 28 days until conception occurs, or towards year end in November or December. When in heat the jennet will lay her ears back, and repeatedly open and close the mouth in a mouthing reflex, sometimes drooling. The jennet will squat to urinate more frequently and bray more often than normal.

Gestation and Care of Jennet During Gestation
Jennet will carry a foal an average of 12 months before giving birth. however, the length of gestation ranges from 11 to almost 14 months. Considering the length of gestation it is wise to consider the time of year that the jennet will foal, and condine the breeding season from May 1 to August 1 in cold climates. Either side of these dates will require a suitable barn and good foaling facilities to ensure the survival of the foal and well being of the jennet.

Jennets should maintain a quiet lifestyle during pregnancy with regular exercise either at liberty, or riding and driving if they are used to such work up until the last quarter of pregnancy. Hard or fast work should be avoided during the last quarter of pregnancy. Hard or fast work should be avoided during the last quarter of pregnancy.

Regular hoof care is important. Regular deworming is necessary to maintain jennets in good condition for foaling. Check with a veterinarian before giving any deworming medication in the last quarter (3 months) of gestation. Some products are safe during this time period and others are not.

Unless jennets are thin, the feeding program can remain unchanged until the last quarter(3 months) of gestation. Some products are safe during this time period and others are not.

Unless jennets are thin, the feeding program can remain unchanged until the last quarter (3 months) of gestation when the fetus grows the most. Excessive feed early in pregnancy will create obesity and potential foaling problems. Increased feed should be maintained from the final quarter of pregnancy throughout the first three months after birth. Maximum milk production occurs in the three months after foaling.

Jennets are rarely consistent in showing the same signs of impending birth from one pregnancy to the next. However, jennets will generally show some or all of the following signs:

  • The udder gradually enlarges about 30 days before birth of the foal. As the birth date approaches the udder becomes enlarged and remains enlarged.
  • The teats enlarge to the very tip several days before birth.
  • A waxy secretion that forms a cap over the end of each teat may form up to 48 hours before birth. Some jennets actually drip milk in the last 24 to 48 hours. Do not milk the jennet at this stage.
  • Softening of the pelvic ligaments creates a groove along either side of the spinal column in the loin area toward the tail head. This sign may go unnoticed in a first foaler or a jennet with a winter coat.
  • The vulva becomes very soft and loose during the last week or two of pregnancy, and gradually enlongates as birth approaches. Birth is usually in matter of hours when the lips of the vulva are swollen out to be flush with hindquarters.
  • A jennet may be unfriendly towards other animals and prefer to stand by itself.
  • The jennet will show restlessness as the foal turns and prepares to move into the birth passage. At this stage she may look thinner, walk the stall and get up and down a number of times. Sometimes birth occurs immediately after the foal has turned, or sometimes the jennet will wait for another day or so.
  • Just before birth, the jennet's tail will be carried out away from the body, lifted and usually kinked to one side. She may frequently pass small amounts of soft manure or urinate.

Jennets not only show variation in the signs before foaling, they can foal at any time of the day or night, so close observation is important.

Jennets will be restless, walk the box stall, lay down and get up repeatedly. When the cervix is fully dilated, the water bag protrudes into the vagina and ruptures releasing amniotic fluid which lubricates the passageway for the foal.

The jennet will then start to strain hard and a pair of tiny forefeet will soon appear. As more of the front legs emerge the nose of the foal will be seen resting on the front legs. This is the normal birth position. Do not hurry the jennet or pull on the foal's feet. Unless there is a problem in the presentation of the foal, the jennet will handle the birth unaided in 15 to 30 minutes.

If the jennet has been straining hard for 20 minutes and no foal appears, or the front feet appear but no nose, or only one foot shows, call a veterinarian. These signs of malpresentation require expert assistance if both the jennet and foal are to come through the process of birth alive and well.

As the neck appears, the head may start to move and break the membrane that encloses the foal. If it does not, tear the membrane open and wipe the foal's nostrils clear of mucus to help it breathe.

Do not cut the navel cord. The jennet will break the cord when she gets up. She will then lick her foal dry. This licking action is important, especially with first foaling jennets, because it stimulates the mothering instinct of the jennet and prevents chilling of the newborn. The jennet will usually expel the afterbirth (placenta) within half an hour. If the afterbirth has not been expelled within 6 to 8 hours call for veterinary assistance. A retained placenta can cause infection or laminitis (founder).

Care of Newborn Donkey Foals
Once the umbilical cord has broken, dip the foal's navel stump in a five per cent iodine solution to prevent umbilical infection. The jennet and foal should be watched to make sure the foal stands and nurses. It is vital to the foal's health that it drink the colostrum, or first milk, which is rich in antibodies. If the foal is the jennet's first offspring, she may not want to nurse and it may be necessary to hold or tie the jennet while helping the foal to nurse for the first time.

Watch for the foal to pass the meconium or first manure. These hard pellets are often passed as the foal struggles to stand before nursing. If a foal does not pass the meconium during the first 12 to 24 hours and shows signs of raising its train and straining without results, then a veterinarian should be called to administer an enema or mineral oil to stimulate the passage of the meconium.

Donkey foals have a thick, fluffy coat which fives the appearance of warmth and hardiness compared to horse foals., but such is not the case. donkey foals are not very hardy and require suitable shelter especially for the first two weeks of life. Foals that are soaked by rail easily become chilled and may contract bronchitis or pneumonia, which can be fatal. If this occurs bring the wet foal into the barn, rub it down will with towels and leave the foal inside until it is thoroughly dry.

Between the ages of two weeks to a months foals start nibbling at the jennet's feed. At the time a foal can be fed a commercial foal ration separately in a small pen constructed with an opening just large enough for foals to enter. Foals will learn to use the creep feeder within tow to four weeks.

Diarrhea may be seen in foals at age of nine to ten days when the jennet starts her "foal hea". The condition usually disappears within a few days, and the foal is unaffected. If the condition persists or the foal is obviously neither feeling well or nursing normally then a veterinarian should be called.
Donkey foals can be weaned at four to six months of age. Weaning at three months or earlier is not recommended. Foals that are weaned early will require extra care and attention.

Jennets return to heat nine to ten days after foaling, however breeding is not recommended during the first heat. The rate of conception at this time is low, and the reproductive tract may not have returned to normal. Jennets are usually far more concerned about their young foals at this time and are more likely to be upset by the presence of the jack. On the second or third heat after foaling, jennets are more relaxed and receptive to the jack, foals can be kept in a pen or box stall close by the breeding area with few problems, and conception is more likely to occur.

The time lapse involved in rebreeding, combined with the length of a jennet's gestation, means that breeders will likely obtain less than of one foal per year. These factors make it more logical to plan for three foals in a four year period.
