Friday, June 8, 2012

The Proper Diet for Donkeys


A dietary Guidline for Optimum Health

Donkeys need to be on a low protein and high fiber diet. If donkeys are fed the wrong diet, they can develop severe health problems and even die.

The donkey's native habitat is the desert. In the desert they have to forage for long distances to get a full meal. The grass and weeds that they eat in the desert are low in protein and high in fiber. Because a donkey's natural habitat is sparsely vegetated, a donkey's digestive system does a good job of utilizing the protein from low protein grasses.

A donkey in captivity that is fed a high protein diet can easily get fat. A common problem seen in a donkey that is fed a high protein diet, is a "neck roll". The neck roll is compromised of fat. It is nearly impossible to get rid of the neck roll once it has appeared. Not only is the neck roll unsightly, it is a sign of poor health in the donkey. Donkeys that are fed a high protein diet often exhibit hoof problems that can cause pain and lameness.

A donkey's diet should consist of grass hay that is below five percent in protein. Timothy hay and Bermuda hay are excellent choices. Alfalfa hay should never be fed to a donkey. It has way too much protein and will cause health problems.

Donkeys should be fed approximately one to one and a half percent of their body weight a day. Their hay should be divided up into two or three meals a day to avoid digestive problems.

A mineral salt block should be accessible to the donkeys at all times. They will lick the mineral salt block when they are in need of extra minerals. They may go for long periods of time without using the mineral salt block and at other times they may use it frequently. They know their needs and will use it when needed.

Donkeys appreciate treats and will happily eat them. Carrots are a great treat due to their nutritional value and low calorie content. Only feed carrots as a treat and not as part of their meals. It is best to break full sized carrots into a few pieces to make them easier to chew.

Make sure to always provide your donkeys with access to fresh water at all times. If you live in a cold weather area, make sure that the water does not freeze.

Donkeys love to eat and it is tempting to let them eat whatever they want. Donkeys that have been previously fed an alfalfa diet, will reluctantly eat grass hay at first. Given time they will learn to enjoy the grass hay. Feeding the wrong diet to your donkey can have devastating consequences to your donkey's health. A proper low protein, high fiber diet will contribute to a healthy and happy donkey.



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